6 Tips of Stopping Cyberbullying


Cyberbullying is a burning issue and especially to teachers and parents. When you find your child expressing anxiety or anger after going online, it is a sign of cyberbullying. You see the kids spending 80 percent of their time using a cell phone and three hours online. , therefore, a common medium for bullying.

There is little difference between traditional bullying and cyberbullying. For traditional bullying ends after school ends. Online bullying has no escape. Many kids will torment and harass the others via the internet from smartphones and computers. Here, there are cyberbullying tips and the way you can prevent them:

  1. Talk

A psychologist will advise you on the best way to help a student or child is through conversation. You can be patient and seek the general problem from your child. Whether he/she knows about cyberbullying, anybody facing bullying, what a child should do when facing such kind of harassment. You will learn much about what your child is involved or the side your child is on.

  1. Using Celebrity Card

These modern children are similar to old children. They can choose their role models and then decide to follow them in all ways. Mostly, they prefer actors, sportsmen, and singers. Currently, you will find most celebrities supporting cyberbullying victims.

Some of them will post numerous comments that fight against cyberbullying on their social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They try to address the problem loud.

  1. Monitoring Online Activities

The advantage of cyberbullying is that you can notice and save the evidence. You might find that taking the phone away is not a solution. Some organization’s like Boldare Development helps with mobile app development that helps in monitoring. The apps will monitor all your child’s social media activity, including Instagram and Facebook, view even deleted text messages, and call logs.

The apps can help to block and control your child’s phone through your cell phone or PC.

  1. Engaging Youth And Parents

Creating a community for both children and adults is essential. You will then send a unified message addressing cyberbullying. Besides, you can also establish a safety committee in schools that discuss and controls the problem.

You can also create rules and policies that include cyberbullying reporting system. It will become better when you make the main objectives to be known by children, school, and parents.

  1. Building a Positive Climate

In schools, the school staff can play a significant role in controlling cyberbullying. A teacher can use the parents and staff meetings or send newsletters. Another way is to create a page or forum on schools website and parents will discuss the problem.

On the other hand, engage bullies and victims and give them mutual tasks. They will see each other from a different perspective.

  1. Restoring Self-Respect

The ultimate goal is to restore and protect the victim’s self-respect. You need to act thoroughly. Remember that fast decisions make things worse. You can talk to someone regarding the problem before your respond. Collect all relevant evidence and join with teachers or parents to come up with a better choice of stopping cyberbullying in children.

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