About Me
So your journey through cyber space has led you to The Hacker Chick Blog and I’m delighted that you’re here. This is my little corner of the internet where I get to talk about all of the things in life that I find interesting, in addition to making a little bit of income from sharing my knowledge you fine folks out there on the web.
My name is Anna Morris and I’m an IT Specialist who currently lives in Vancouver. More specifically I work as the Senior Information Security Specialist at a local bank while I’m studying for my Masters in Computer Science. As you may have guessed from the name of the site and my career choices, I’ve always had a bit of thing for computers.
I don’t have many memories of my homeland, as we moved away when I was five so that my parents could make a better life for the family. As such, I consider myself to be Canadian and I’ve been privileged enough to see technology advance in ways that I may not have been privy too had my parents stayed in Belarus.
I’ve still got very fond memories of the days of AOL Messenger and dial-up modems, plus it was this period of my life where I started to get into coding. At first messed around with HTML and created a couple of really basic websites, but that was my gateway into learning more and developing a certain set of skills that would make me perfect for my job, while possibly getting me into a little trouble along the way.
However, I have been guilty of hacking into the occasional email or Facebook account, particularly when I was in my last year of high school. I used to hack into people’s accounts just to mess with them a little by posting embarrassing messages on their walls or changing their email signatures. You know, little things that would annoy them without getting them into too much trouble. Thankfully, I figured out that this particular path may have become bad for me from a legal standpoint, but not before I had developed the skills I would need to forge a career for myself in computer security.
That was a useful experience, which led me to the role I work in now. I’ve been at the bank for three years and have worked my way up to a prime position.
However, the most important thing that I’ve gotten from my career so far has nothing to do with computers.
I met Tomas a couple of weeks after starting at the bank. He’s a Financial Consultant and quickly struck me as a very smart man. He’s pretty charming too, and fairly easy on the eyes if I do say so myself. We got talking but it took a couple of months before he worked up the courage to ask me out on a date. I’m so glad that he did, though, because we have now been married for two years and I literally can’t imagine what life would be without him.
The Hacker Chick Blog offers me the opportunity to talk about the things I love the most, like hacking, cyber security and computer hardware, with people who want to hear about it.
My goal for the future is to turn this blog into a more substantial source of income so that Tomas and I can build our lives together when I have finished studying. I can’t do that alone, so I welcome each and every visitor to The Hacker Chick Blog. Hopefully you’ll bookmark the site and I’ll see you back here again.
Happy Hacking – Anna Morris