Why Your Online Marketing Efforts May be Failing


Online marketing is one of the most lucrative ways to build your business and boost your income. Unfortunately, many business owners jump in with both feet not really knowing what they are doing. The Internet is a complex world, and it’s easy to get lost. Some of the most common mistakes online marketers make are some of the simplest to correct.

A Poorly Designed or Non-Existent Website

Your website is your face on the Internet. It’s what gives customers their best first impression, so spend as much as you possibly can to have it professionally designed. If you cannot afford a professional designer, make use of an online website maker to create your own.  Before you even start advertising online, your website should be up and running and ready to convert visitors into opportunities or customers. Opportunities are lost when a potential customer finds a company and cannot learn more to help them make an informed decision.

You Do Not Have a Blog or Newsletter

Adding a blog or newsletter to your website that features free tutorials and information is a great way to build your email list. However, no blog or newsletter will get you where you need to be if it’s never updated. Readers become subscribers and subscribers become customers, so constantly keeping your name and product in their line of site with a well-maintained blog and regular newsletter is an extremely valuable marketing tool. If you don’t have time to do these things yourself, it’s well worth the cost to hire someone for the job.

Not Using Social Media Effectively

One of the biggest mistakes online marketers make is jumping onto a social media site and doing nothing but posting spam links. There is a reason they are called “communities.” Becoming involved, even to a small degree, so that other users can get to know you will help tremendously in getting them to actually click on your links.

Social media marketing must be consistent. Creating a great social media reputation is complicated, so investing in an experienced social media manager can ensure that your online presence is handled in a way that presents your company to its best advantage.

Spreading Yourself Too Thin

Trying to do it all – every social media site, blogging, email marketing and direct mail marketing – is often biting off more than you can chew. You need to use the channels you understand the best, and add more once you can use them to your best advantage. This is especially important if you do not have time or money to devote to performing these tasks effectively.

Handling Leads Improperly

So, you have your website, your social media is set up to run like clockwork, and you are building an email list. Once you start getting leads, your staff should be properly trained to convert those leads to sales. Quick response time is critical, but is useless if your response email is poorly crafted or your return phone calls are not helpful and positive.

Brick and mortar drop-in customers should have a positive face-to-face encounter so they do not walk away with a bad taste in their mouth. Make sure your training is geared toward pleasing your customer and closing the sale.

Online marketing can be lucrative, but only if it is handled correctly. Having the proper online presence, well-trained staff and proper tools can do much to ensure your success.

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