Should you opt in for Privacy Protection on Your Domain?


Privacy protection is an add-on feature you can get when you have a website domain name. A lot of website owners are uncertain about whether or not to use and pay for such an add-on is really necessary for their operation. You should take some time to learn as much about this service as you can so that you can come to an educated conclusion about whether or not it’s worth the extra money in your particular situation.

Owning a domain name and the WhoIs database

Anyone with a domain should know that having a domain name requires that you make certain information available to the public. Th name, address, phone number, and email address of any domain name owner can be looked up online. It’s generally required that you submit this type of information when you have a domain name registered, and there’s really no getting around this requirement.

This information is available through the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). ICANN requires that all domain registrars collect this information. Naturally, a lot of website owners might not like the idea of sharing this information with the public in this way. ICANN requires that this information be available so that certain things can be accomplished like the verification of website ownership when a transfer request is made. This information is also made available so that law enforcement agencies can located an offender if it seems that illegal practices are being engaged in by a website owner.

However, there are some dangers to leaving this information available to the public. With this information, spammers and identity thieves can learn more about you. Spammers and scammers online have traditional used the “WhoIs” database that is made available due to the demands of ICANN to conduct fraudulent activities online.

Taking advantage of the privacy protection service

Fortunately, it is possible to protect this information and keep it from the general public for website and domain owners who absolutely don’t want to have to share it. Purchasing a privacy protection service keeps a website owner’s personal data out of the WhoIs database entirely. When this type of service is used, the provider of the privacy protection service’s address will show up with the WhoIs information rather than the actual address and other private information of the website owner.

Advantages of WhoIs Privacy Protection

There are many advantages to using this service to protect your information. When you take advantage of privacy protection, you can rest assured that you are protected from the spamming and identity theft risks that go along with having your details posted and available for the public.

Disdvantages of WhoIs Privacy Protection

There is one small disadvantage other than the added cost to this service that you might want to be aware of when deciding whether or not you want the service. While domain privacy protection keeps your sensitive information much safer, it can also complicate the process of transferring your domain name because this will require the extra step of removing privacy protection.

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